Getting Started with MyAgileCopilot

This document provides a step-by-step guide to help you set up the plugin and start generating User Stories, Epics, Test Cases, Code, and more in Jira using ChatGPT.

To begin the setup process, please sign up on our platform to receive your token via email.

Setting up YOUR PLUGIN

Unlock the Power of MyAgileCopilot: Complete Your Plugin Setup in Jira

You can access to MyAgileCopilot Settings in your Jira Project following Apps (top menu) / Manage My Apps / MyAgileCopilot (in the left menu).  

Jira Connection Configuration

To connect MyAgileCopilot with Jira, you need to configure the Jira Settings. This includes creating a new user in Jira who will create all issues from Chat GPT, and setting up the Atlassian host domain, Jira API Key, and Jira User Email (Key owner).

Follow this Steps:

By following these steps, you can easily connect MyAgileCopilot with Jira and start creating epics, stories, comments, and tasks across your projects using Chat GPT.

Chat GPT Configuration

Chat GPT is a powerful feature of MyAgileCopilot that uses Open AI models to generate content for your Jira issues. This configuration is optional but provide you more MyAgileCopilot credits. To configure Chat GPT.

Follow these steps:

Email Messaging Configuration

Optional configuration. We have implemented some reporting features. That features uses SendGrid to Send the emails. If Do you want you can switch on the flag and customize the sender. You can create a free account from the SendGrid site.


🚀🚀🚀 More automation features are coming soon 🚀🚀🚀